Odzaklieska in Istanbul at the International Environmental Conference

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Christina Odzaklieska participated in the 5th “IREMCON”  International Environmental Conference on the topic “Combating climate change and furthering international cooperation in waste management”, which takes place in Istanbul from April 27 to 28.

Оџаклиеска во Истанбул на интернационална конференција за животната срединаAt the international conference in which institutions, companies, and civil society organizations from the European Union, the Balkans, and Türkiye participate, the importance of waste management for a circular global economy and the effective combat against climate change.

2Deputy Minister Odzaklieska, who was one of the main speakers, emphasized that this kind of exchange of experiences and help, primarily from the member states of the European Union, but also between the institutions and companies responsible for waste management from the countries in our immediate environment, are more than valuable for all Balkan countries, including the Republic of North Macedonia, in reaching the high European criteria in the field of waste management, the application of the most modern available technology and the establishment of a circular economy in our country as well.

viber_image_2023-04-28_10-19-49-333At the event held at the “Tuyap Fair Convention and Congress Center” in Istanbul, in addition to the Ministry of Environment, Urbanism and Climate Change of the Türkiye and Turkish companies in the field of waste management, speakers from institutions and companies from Portugal, Croatia, Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia also shared their experiences.