MOEPP: The development of the Brown Bear Management Action Plan begins

The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning today held an initial workshop for the development of an Action Plan for the management of the brown bear on the territory of our country. The aim of the workshop was to share information about the process of preparing an Action Plan for the brown bear in North Macedonia, but also to hear the views of the stakeholders in the early stages of its preparation. Akcionen plan_kafeava mecka

The event was also supported by renowned experts from Croatia who shared their experiences on bear management in EU countries, as well as by national experts who presented data on the condition of brown bears in our country.

Akcionen plan_kafeava mecka_1Taking into account that we recently faced challenges related to the removal of bears in populated areas and the disturbance of the local population, the need to develop such an Action Plan appeared urgent, and the opportunity was used to implement this activity through the implementation of the IPA 2 project. “Strengthening the capacities for Natura 2000 and CITES” in which one of the activities is “Development of action plans for habitats and species”.

Akcionen plan_kafeava mecka_2The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, the State Environmental Inspectorate, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, PE National Forests, representatives from National Parks and protected areas, hunting associations, non-governmental organizations and other institutions and organizations from the state that work with this problem.

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