Izairi: each planted tree means a new purifier of air

4The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi and the Mayor of Debar Municipality Ruzhdi Ljata joined the action “Day of Tree – Plant your Future”, by planting seedlings at the place called Badem near Debar Lake.

Welcoming the action “Day of Tree” which is carried out throughout the country and gets new contents and new dimensions from year to year, Minister Izairi pointed out that each planted tree means new air purifier and appealed to continue with massive, systematic planting of seedlings as one of the most efficient ways of reaching the desired objective – healthy and clean environment.

- I am especially happy for the fact that this autumn action is in the sign of climate change fighting, said Minister Izairi on that occasion.

15.000 seedlings were planted in the area of the Municipality of Debar on a territory of five hectares, and action was joined by municipal administration, PE “Standard”, fire fighting brigade from Debar, students and teachers from the secondary school “Zdravko Chochkovski”, as well as several tens of citizens and volunteers.