The 3rd Project Steering Committee Meeting / Preparation of the Long-term Strategy and Law on Climate Action

Се подготвува закон и стратегија за климатска акција Трет состанок на управувачкиот комитетThe Steering Committee of the IPA Project ‘Preparation of the Long-term Strategy and Law on Climate Action’ held its 3rd meeting, presenting the implemented activities and elaborated reports at the present stage of project implementation. The structure of the draft Law on Climate Action, the draft concept note of the Long-term Strategy on Climate Action, as well as the next steps and deadlines in implementing the further activities were discussed at the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Minister Nuredini, who reaffirmed the commitment of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia to address the issue of climate change and the need to prepare and adopt a functional and applicable Law on Climate Action.