Proper waste water management in the City of Skopje through Study development

ANE_4227On 15 December 2014, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Stevo Temelkovski, MSci, participated in the First Technical Workshop in the frames of the Project for preparation of Study on financing, construction and operation of wastewater treatment plant in the City of Skopje – Republic of Macedonia, held in the City of Skopje.

The main goal of the workshop was to present the results and conclusions from the update of the existing Feasibility Study on waste waters management in the City of Skopje – Assessment of possible solutions for waste water treatment and conditioning/removal/reuse/elimination of generated sludge from the station, which will be further used as basis for identification and evaluation of the most appropriate solutions for treatment of generated waste waters and sludge in the City of Skopje.

In his address, Deputy Minister of Environment, having stressed the great national and transboundary importance for the environment, while having in mind the scale of the investment, called for active participation by all stakeholders towards achievement of sustainable and economically justified selection of solution for the future wastewater treatment plant in the City of Skopje.