Minister Izairi inspected the second phase of the construction of the water supply system for Tetovo

DSC_1072(18 September 2015) Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi visited the site where construction activities of the second phase of the new water supply system for Tetovo take place.

The system includes 8.5 km water supply from the water collection chamber “Leshnica” to the water collection chamber “Studena Reka”. The total value of the contract is 115 million denars provided by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Out of this value, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning has so far allocated 67 million or around 60 % of the overall project value. In the segment of engineering works, around 80% of the whole project has been completed. The deadline for the project completion is 14 months and its finalization is expected in December 2015.

The implementation of this project will secure additional 200 liters per second and it will solve the big issue faced by the population in Tetovo